The work

Human|Animal is an ongoing documentary film and photography project exposing the lives of farmed animals. This project began during my first year of studying Animal Science at The University of Melbourne when I was first taken into a battery hen shed and continued on to form the practical component of my thesis, 'Reconsidering The Nonhuman Animal: A Multidisciplinary Approach' for my Masters in Science Communication (in Natural History Filmmaking) degree that I completed in 2010 at The University of Otago. 

The Photographs

This series of photos have been taken over a number of years and are part of a continuing body of work attempting to uncover the often hidden lives of farmed animals.

The Video

The film Human|Animal was my first documentary and formed the creative component of my masters thesis back in 2010. In many ways it reflects my own journey traveling around Australia and New Zealand interviewing animal advocates, recording their stories and the development of my own personal philosophy towards animal use. It features Patty Mark from Animal Liberation Victoria, Pam Ahern from Edgar's Mission, Princeton Bioethicist and author Peter Singer and author Jeffrey Masson.