The Photographs

'I Live On The Street' is a photo series that I shot during my time in India for the third Minding Animals Conference which was held in New Delhi in January 2015 . I found India to be an amazing place coloured with incredible contrasts and this certainly includes the way that the animals are treated. In India the animals lives are played out on the street. While this seemed shocking at first, when I looked a little harder what I saw was a kind of respect and care between the humans and animals that shared these spaces that I've never witnessed elsewhere. While life on the street can be undeniably tough for domestic animals in India, for the most part, if you're a dog at least, you get to live your own life with a special kind of agency that you just wouldn't get in many other cities. 'I Live On The Street' is designed to showcase these lives.

There are many amazing groups working to improve the lives of street animals in India. If you'd like to help them continue this amazing work you can purchase one of these prints or head over here to one of my favourites.